napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory

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The F*ck-it List
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10.93 €
Frank Brill, a retired small-town newspaper editor, has just been given a terminal diagnosis. Rather than compile a bucket list of all the things he's ever wanted to do in his life, he instead has at the ready his 'fuck-it list'. Because Frank has had to endure more than his fair share of personal… celá špecifikácia

Frank Brill, a retired small-town newspaper editor, has just been given a terminal diagnosis. Rather than compile a bucket list of all the things he's ever wanted to do in his life, he instead has at the ready his 'fuck-it list'. Because Frank has had to endure more than his fair share of personal misfortune, not to mention having to live through two terms of a Trump Presidency. Armed with the names of all those who are to blame for the tragedies that have befallen him, it's time for revenge.
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Limitless: The Autobiography
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