napr. Dámska obuv, Bicykle, Ventilátory
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Chatter / Ostatné /
17.58 €
Turn your inner voice from critic to coach We all have a voice in our head. We tune into its endless chatter to look for guidance, ideas and wisdom. Except sometimes, this voice leads us down a rabbit hole of negative self-talk and endless rumination. These silent conversations are so powerful they… celá špecifikácia
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Turn your inner voice from critic to coach We all have a voice in our head. We tune into its endless chatter to look for guidance, ideas and wisdom. Except sometimes, this voice leads us down a rabbit hole of negative self-talk and endless rumination. These silent conversations are so powerful they can sink our mood, trip us up and even impact our health. How can we take back control? This is the question award-winning psychologist Ethan Kross set out to answer twenty years ago when he began an audacious mission - to study the conversations we have with ourselves. In Chatter, Kross interweaves cutting-edge science with real-world case studies to explain how these inner conversations shape our work and relationships. Then he reveals the tools you need to harness your own voice so that you can be happier, healthier and more productive. Brilliantly argued and expertly researched, Chatter will explain how the conversations we have with ourselves shape our lives, and will give you the power to change them.
Vývoj ceny Chatter
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Everyone knows how hard it can be to maintain a healthy diet…
17.58 €
Dostupné v 1 obchode
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Think Again
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Discover how rethinking can lead to excellence at work and…
17.58 €
Dostupné v 1 obchode
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Inges War
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What does it mean to be on the wrong side of history? Svenja…
17.58 €
Dostupné v 1 obchode
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